Saturday, October 25, 2008

Forgive the Interruption

I think that this is probably an important video for all of us to watch.

Biden was asked some, um, interesting questions by a News anchor.  Here's the video which is getting harder and harder to find.  


In an uncomfortable moment, two distinctly different impressions of reality, met on live TV.  Often, when we have a conversation there is a certain set standard of assumptions that our conversation rests upon.  There are things taken for granted, idioms all party's are familiar with, etc. 

Yet, every once in awhile, a conversation occurs where the parties aren't even in the same ballpark.  The anchor was asking a serious question.  The quote from Marx, taken out of context, represents a feeling/concern held by many (I can't find a poll, but it seems to be forming into a master narrative of sorts) that Obama is for a redistribution of wealth.  

Most people, though, don't understand that taxes are a redistribution of wealth.  Marx was referring to his system in Das Kapital which, in effect, would have redistributed all wealth, "each according to his own."  Yet, Obama wants to redistribute some of the wealth.  He is never going to raise taxes on anyone to 100%.

Yet, Biden missed that point.  Worse, he laughed off a concern felt by many people.  His answer, too, was off the mark.  Biden claimed that Obama wants to give a chance to the middle class, "honest, hard working Americans."  He never took the time to explain how that is not Marxism.  

So, what you had were two different monologues going in the form of an interview.       


Mordy said...

Important in terms of what? It's the kind of thing I'd try to include in my conspiracy theory series - but I'm curious why you think it's important.

Cranky Doc said...

Yes, likewise curious. Why important? In what way? How important? Etc.

Mordy said...

I disagree that the anchor's question was serious. A serious question would be, "Our country has had taxes since its inception. Why do a bunch of people insist on calling those taxes Socialist and Marxist suddenly in 2008?" Her question was, "How is increasing taxes on the wealthy not Marxist?" And the correct answer is, "It's about as Marxist as it was nine years ago."

We don't need to indulge every idiotic idea that comes into the far right-wing's heads. Just because Marx is pro redistributing wealth and taxes, in a sense, redistribute wealth, doesn't mean that taxes are Marxist. Unless Monarchies are also Marxist forms of government too. And - ya know - every other form of government that has ever been practiced on this planet.

Matt Williams said...

Even if the question was disingenuous (although I'm inclined to believe that it was asked from the heart and not from the head) Biden still had to respond to it as if it was a serious question.

You cut them off afterwards. But, in the moment, you respond with a certain care that can only help. Scoffing, laughing, grimacing, those never look good. Even if you're have the right away.

Mordy said...

Why do you believe it was asked from the heart? I think her whole series of questions suggests that she had compiled a list of radical paranoia questions and was working down the list one by one.

Matt Williams said...

Hmmm. I'm not sure I can articulate it exactly. But I think it is just as speculative as your suggestion. My point is that it, in the moment, no matter the spirit in which it was asked, you have to respond in kind.

Mordy said...

Well, I think we'll just have to disagree then. But I still claim that anyone who watches the clip will agree with me. This was a partisan attack job -- not an attempt to get a sincere answer.

Mordy said...

I mean, she quoted Karl Marx for goodness sake! Does she really believe a progressive tax is Marxist?