Sunday, October 19, 2008

Exit Polling

"EXCLUSIVE: *I've learned that the exit polling showed that among W. filmgoers, 89% disapprove of Bush. In addition, 78% are voting for Obama, 6% are voting for McCain, and 6% don't know. Moviergoers were 52%/48% male vs female. And a whopping 47% were over age 40. The audience was overwhelmingly liberal at 55%, followed by moderates at 31%, conservatives at 10%, and those who don't care about politics 5%. The audience was primarily white at 66%, with African Americans at 10% and all other ethnic groups less than 10%. Most attended because of the prospect of making fun of Bush (42%), or because of Oliver Stone as director (41%), or because the preview looked good (39%), or because of the prospect of humor (33%). In terms of expectations, only 27% felt the movie was better than expected, with 38% feeling it was not as good as expected (this was consistent across all groups, especially liberals), and 35% felt it was as good as expected. Those who disapprove of Bush felt very strongly that the movie was not as good as expected.*"

Cute, huh?

1 comment:

Keyak said...

Oliver Stone was on the The Colbert Report and he was saying how he thinks Bush has done a good job and Colbert comments that the film was even-handed. Oliver stone made some comments about suspending the election and some other comments that I cant tell if they are sarcastic or not. The clip is worth a watch. So I guess people were expecting that Bush would be portrayed negatively and were disappointed when they didn't see that. I haven't seen it yet but I plan on doing so.