Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Complexity is not a Vice: A History and Future of Campaign '08

"So, at 11 o'clock am on Tuesday, a prominent politician spoke to Americans about race as though they were adults." John Stewart, The Daily Show.

On March 18th, 2008, Barack Obama stood before a small audience at the National Constitutional Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and delivered arguably the biggest and most important speech of the presidential campaign. Responding to the controversy surrounding his former pastor's, Jeremiah Wright, racially divisive remarks, Obama chose to make the moment not specifically about Rev. Wright, but about the politics of race in general [Full text of speech].

Obama began, as many of his speeches do, with a relevant, brief history of America, in this case a history surrounding "the nation's original sin of slavery." He then, in his professor voice/persona, walked American through a history of race, contextualizing the civil war, Jim Crow, and the civil rights movement in his own campaign. He then began to bluntly articulate and identify "black anger" and "white resentment." By doing so, he sought to air the troubles of a nation divided, in the hope of finally healing them. He ended his speech with a simple plea, one that became an enduring mantra that will forever be associated with his name:

"For we have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism. We can tackle race only as spectacle - as we did in the OJ trial - or in the wake of tragedy, as we did in the aftermath of Katrina - or as fodder for the nightly news. We can play Reverend Wright's sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she's playing the race card, or we can speculate on whether white men will all flock to John McCain in the general election regardless of his policies.

We can do that.

But if we do, I can tell you that in the next election, we'll be talking about some other distraction. And then another one. And then another one. And nothing will change.

That is one option. Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, "Not this time." This time we want to talk about the crumbling schools that are stealing the future of black children and white children and Asian children and Hispanic children and Native American children. This time we want to reject the cynicism that tells us that these kids can't learn; that those kids who don't look like us are somebody else's problem. The children of America are not those kids, they are our kids, and we will not let them fall behind in a 21st century economy. Not this time."
The last lines of his speech were dedicated to a small, subtle anecdote with powerfully simple implications. That anecdote asks the listener to do something almost no other politician in the entire 20th century asked. The anecdote tied together racial tension with racial union, and asked the audience to allow that paradigm to remain unresolved, to hold those two concepts apart and discrete. He asked us, not only to open ourselves to his otherness in that instant, an otherness that exists in an eternal dialogue within himself, but also to all otherness.

Yet, this was utterly and completely missed by a 24 hour news media supposedly dedicated to providing the public with news.
Is there something wrong with this picture? Should the mainstream media do something more than they did here? How could they have completely and utterly missed the point? And, perhaps most importantly, how can it change?

Before change can be proposed, the problem must be diagnosed. And, in that sense, the first real question to ask is this - is there something wrong at all? In order to really have a handle on that question, the first thing to do is identify what should be, what is an idealized form of media, and how should it have reported Obama's speech?

One place to begin is with a 19th century French historian Alexis de Tocqueville. Tocqueville traveled to America in the mid 19th century and brought back to Europe a number of ideas that he wrote down in his expose on American Life: De la démocratie en Amérique (Democracy in America). Mikahl Bahktin, a Russian literary theorist, once said "it is only in the eyes of another culture that a foreign culture reveals itself fully and profoundly." In Tocqueville's case, such a statement barely manages to capture the depth of Tocqueville's elegant insight.

His diagnoses of 19th century American media is predicated on a certain assumption, a foundational tenant of democratic theory. He believes that an informed public is best for democracy. That a newspaper, then, has the responsibility to persuade and inform the public so that they form together and pursue "common activity." Tocqueville believes that newspapers, and by extension I mean to suggest all forms of news whether in print, on television, or on the internet, have a civic obligation to inform the public.

Translating Tocqueville into modern discourse, John Stewart appeared on Crossfire to advocate that same value of civic responsibility.

Stewart and Tocqueville both seem to claim that a news organization has a civic responsibility to inform the public, to "help us out." Bill Kovach and Tom Rosentiel take this idea even further in their book The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect. They lay out nine general points, which they believe are key functions of news media.

"Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.

Its first loyalty is to citizens.

Its essence is a discipline of verification.

Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.

It must serve as an independent monitor of power.

It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.

It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.

It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.

Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience."

Wielding these nine can be cumbersome, luckily two common themes run through this list: Advocacy and Transparency. Kovach and Rosentiel, along with Stewart, Tocqueville, and a number of others (see Jan Leighley's Mass Media and Politics: A Social Science Perspective ) define the obligation that news media has toward the public in those two general ways.

Advocacy is a general word combining the concepts of "loyalty to citizens [...] provide a forum for public criticism and compromise [...] comprehensive and proportional, [etc.]" This basically gets back to Tocqueville's idea of an informed public. News media should advocate for the public in ways singular, isolated individuals cannot. It is the true fourth estate in this sense, an organization tasked with the obligation to advocate, and by advocating informing the citizenry so that the citizenry can make the proper decisions.

The second goal, transparency, is a main aspect of advocate journalism, in Leighley's word "the public advocate model," kind of a figurative tactic if your overall strategy is one of advocation, so to speak. To make transparent, to clear up, to open doors, pursue truth, to unopaque: these are the tools with which journalist can expose government and politics to public scrutiny. A prime example of this form of media is Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's All The President's Men, their heroic investigatory journalism that scrubbed the windows of Nixon's White House clean for all to peer in.

So, if the ideal is the above, what is the current state of news media? Well, in's report, aptly titled, "The State of the News Media 2008", we can begin to see some disturbing trends. Trends that, followed to their logical extensions, make news media, mainstream news media to be exact, less like Woodward and Bernstein and more like Network.

Among the newer trends like blogging (which will appear later) and things of that nature, one trend that stands out is the claim that:
"The agenda of the American news media continues to narrow, not broaden. A firm grip on this is difficult but the trends seem inescapable. A comprehensive audit of coverage shows that in 2007, two overriding stories — the war in Iraq and the 2008 presidential campaign — filled more than a quarter of the newshole and seemed to consume much of the media’s energy and resources. And what wasn’t covered was in many ways as notable as what was. Other than Iraq — and to a lesser degree Pakistan and Iran — there was minimal coverage of events overseas, some of which directly involved U.S. interests, blood and treasure. At the same time, consider the list of the domestic issues that each filled less than a single percent of the newshole: education, race, religion, transportation, the legal system, housing, drug trafficking, gun control, welfare, Social Security, aging, labor, abortion and more. A related trait is a tendency to move on from stories quickly. On breaking news events — the Virginia Tech massacre or the Minneapolis bridge collapse were among the biggest — the media flooded the zone but then quickly dropped underlying story lines about school safety and infrastructure. And newer media seem to have an even narrower peripheral vision than older media. Cable news, talk radio (and also blogs) tend to seize on top stories (often polarizing ones) and amplify them. The Internet offers the promise of aggregating ever more sources, but its value still depends on what those originating sources are providing. Even as the media world has fragmented into more outlets and options, reporting resources have shrunk."

This a particularly scary thing once you begin to realize the extent to which the mainstream media has conglamorized. The picture below barely demonstrates the extent to which mainstream media suffers from a pack mentality, fraught with Jonny-come-lately reporting.

Kovach and Rosentiel focus on another aspect of this overall issue, cutting even further to the heart of the problem.
"The public, in turn, increasingly distrusted journalists, even hated them. And it would only get worse. By 1999, just 21% of Americans would think the press cared about people, down from 41% in 1985.7 Only 58% would respect the press's watchdog role, a drop from 67% in 1985. Less than half, just 45%, would think the press protected democracy. That percentage had been nearly ten points higher in 1985.8

What was different that day in Cambridge was that many of the journalists in the room -- and around the country -- were beginning to agree with the public. "In the newsroom we no longer talk about journalism," said Max King, then editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer. "We are consumed with business pressure and the bottom line," agreed another editor. News was becoming entertainment and entertainment news. Journalists' bonuses were increasingly tied to the company's profit margins, not the quality of their work. Finally, Columbia University professor James Carey offered what many recalled as a summation: "The problem is that you see journalism disappearing inside the larger world of communications. What you yearn to do is recover journalism from that larger world."

Now, I'm sure that all of you old Marxist's out there are screaming, "this is it! The fundamental problem is capitalism after all." And, in that way, there is a weird sense of irony to this whole thing, since Alexis de Tocqueville was perhaps the Adam Smith of France in his belief in Laissez-faire philosophy. But Tocqueville, as well as Smith, acknowledge something greater than the almighty dollar. They argue that morality, that moral sentiments, should stem from moral obligation/religion/etc. not from capital. Whether right or wrong, it seems that many modern networks are more concerned about the "bottom line" than any form of "civic or moral obligation" to the public.

So, we have pack journalism and capitalism unchecked by external morality (I know, I'm qualifying it anyway, because I do not want to open that pandora's box) as issues distorting the quality of modern mainstream media. A final piece comes from a small, neat little book by Russell Peterson titled Strange Bedfellows: How Late Night Comedy Turns Democracy into a Joke. He makes one insightful observation that directly criticizes the style of mainstream media's coverage of politics. He argues that modern coverage is character based. Leads are not about processes. Leads are about who did what today. Stories are not about how this bill made it to the House floor. Stories are about how these two congressman fought with each other for hours over the bill on the floor. Character driven news, as Peterson points out, often misses the larger story, the 'brokenness of the system itself' as Stewart would say, and further, creates more distance between the audience and the politics. Instead of dealing directly with the politics, a competition or character is superimposed between the audience and the actual event.

Think about this in the context of Obama's "A More Perfect Union." Rev. Wright, and to a lesser extent Obama's white grandmother, as well as the competition of the campaign itself were all superimposed between the audience and the mechanics of the speech. The coverage, in fact, almost never dealt with the words of his speech.

And this is the good coverage. The bad is much uglier. You see, standing at the opposite end of the continuum from the Washington Post's Watergate is Foxnews' coverage of Obama's Madrassah. (It begins around the 1:51 mark)

This is, in a word, bad. It is "hurting America." If Americans are going to be able to confront the problems facing them in the 21st century, they need more than character driven, greed based, pack journalism.

It isn't all bad though. There is some hope. Hardball went through a small breakdown of the opinions of Obama's speech.

The coverage is a tad strange ("what are White men afraid of?"). But, some media organizations, whether it is the Dallas Morning News or the Philadelphia Inquirer, began to, at least, deal with the language. It brings to mind an enduring theme of a West Wing episode.

Perhaps by complicating the nature of the event itself, of the public discourse, American's can solve the problem that mainstream media posses to democracy.

In order for that to occur though, access to politics needs to change. In order to elevate the discourse, more people and more divergent opinions have to somehow enter into the national conversation. Otherness, in a sense, needs to be incorporated into the American dialogue.

Well, the first bullet in the side of mainstream media, and one that hits extremely close to the mark, is the medium which I am right now using - the internet. Aside from the stylistic advantages of the medium, like imbedded video, linking, instant feedback, and global distribution, the internet has begun to kill newspapers at their source, funding. Ad revenues for newspapers have steadily declined the past few years. This means that newspapers can no longer support large staffs, and even some can no longer afford printing. Some journalists are beginning to forecast that there will no print newspapers within the next two years.

Viral video, blogging, and online independent journalists are threatening mainstream media's position as the shaper of public discourse. Moveon's involvement with the Howard Dean 2004 campaign, the Dailykos, the NRO, Thinkprogress, Drudge, etc.: are all entities, independent of mainstream media, that now regularly define public discourse. Some of their exploits are catalogued in Dan Gilmore's We the Media: Grassroots Journalism By The People, For The People. Yet, that book was published almost five years ago, the role of the internet has since completely pervaded the field of media and politics. Think back to the above Hardball sketch, the number of youtube hits that "A More Perfect Union" did not have an insignificant place in the rhetoric surrounding the show (it now has 5,633,943 views, just in case you were wondering).

The internet, as a wide open medium, by its very features, incorporates otherness into its overall mechanics. Anyone can write, anyone can read, and anyone can post a video.

Access to the political process and to the voicing of opinions has never been greater or more egalitarian. And although there has been some recent controversy about the egalitarian nature of the internet, for now it appears that this medium has never been more affordable. A new report by the PEW center details this exchange.

Alternative television shows too, like the aforementioned Daily Show, and its kid brother The Colbert report, are shown to have viewers who can demonstrate a greater amount of knowledge of current political issues than other news stations. The funny bullet, if you will, as Peterson implies, directly undercuts and subverts mainstream media, portraying it as a part of the broken system of American politics ("you are...ugh...Partisan hacks").
But both internet and alternative television means nothing in the scheme of things. We all know what the biggest problem is. We all know how the mainstream media can continue to pull a veil of ignorance over our eyes. We all know the reason. There are two vital aspects of access. One, we have accounted for, the medium. Those are there, media is in place and available.

The second one is even more important. It is, in a sense, the silver bullet. Education. One needs to know how to speak before using the methods of communication now so open before him or her. Only 68.6% of high school students graduated the year I did, in 2006. And that's just the national average. Alaska's is almost below 50%. And to participate in complex public discourse one needs at least a college degree, and that rate is even lower. Of course, too, anecdotally, I know people who cheat their way through Ivies and don't learn the necessary information that allows them to participate in the public discourse. Going back to John Stewart's quote at the beginning of the blogessay, most of American's are not adults, in the educational sense.

When we talk about access, when we talk about politics, the conversation really has to begin and end with education. The first article we looked at this year, initiated a discussion about the effect of education on media bias. The final conversation we had, which centered around the egalitarian nature of the internet, included a conversation about education.

Aside from the fact that education, reading, and curiosity open people to otherness. An educated public, a public with the tools it needs, is a public so powerful that mainstream media would no longer be able to get away with any of these shenanigans. In “The Consequences of Political Knowledge and Ignorance,” Michael X. Delli Carpini and Scott Keeter say this outright. What Americans know about politics matters.

Yet, there are still major problems. Even online, cloistered communities form. Xenophobia still drives American discourse perhaps even more than self interest. Talk radio, mainstream media, and other poor and imperfect mediums still shape the American conversation.

On January 20th, 2009, Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. Before he is sworn in, a popular pastor from the conservative Californian county of Orange County will lead the nation in prayer. Rich Warren's presence at the inauguration has already caused significant controversy. And in the post election media depression, developments in his story has been close to the top of the reporting wires.

Here's just a brief summary of these recent events:

This is "A More Perfect Union" on a larger, one might even say, Presidential scale. By opening the inauguration to otherness, by forcing mainstream media to cover a dialogue, by forcing conversation (even if mediated) between liberals and conservatives, pastors and gays, Obama has complicated the American narrative. This is an education for all sides of American values. This is an elevation of the American discourse.

Notice how the Fox News interviewer asked his pundit "what would you say to them [gay groups angered by the choice] today?" Notice that Rachel Maddow begs Rich Warren to keep talking because "you are making the job of making the case against you so much easier." This is what Maddow misses though. For President Barack Obama this is not a "stumble," this is an airing of religious baggage in line with the aforementioned West Wing's approach to trade with China.

Close to half, if not more than half, of American's believe what Rick Warren believes, if Prop 8 is any indication. Those people do not see themselves as bigots or as intolerant. This public airing is the beginning of dialogue that will hopefully sensitize America to different sides of the opinion, while simultaneously opening up those who have never encountered otherness before. Exposure, not isolation, is the mechanic of American democracy.

As Mark Twain says, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." In a strong sense, this is the travel he is referencing, from the O.C. to D.C., from the Chattahoochee River to the Hudson River, from the Golden Gate Bridge to the bridge to no where. The above is exactly how the media should behave, according to the likes of Tocqueville and Stewart. Here is a spirited debate about one of the landmark issues of our time. This is exactly the sort of response the Media should have.

Testing Future Posting

Testing One...Two


Monday, December 15, 2008


Chi-town Daily

Are Bloggers Reports?

Great post Daniel.  I think you are right on.  It is a hard question to answer, yet one with significant implications.  Reporter, as you pointed out, is a fluid term.  Perhaps, it is even a meaningless one now.  Perhaps, writer or author might be more appropriate at this juncture.

Let's face it, one of the implications of the word reporter, namely the journalistic responsibilities that such a title incurs, are useless.  One of the reasons why I had a difficult time with Steve's proposition that the daily show and the colbert report must entertain journalistic ethics is that journalistic ethics themselves aren't what they used to be.  As we've pointed out time and again, as the main stream media fractures, and different networks align with different agendas, the whole notion that the media must maintain an objective or fair face is undermined.  Sure, there are a few remainders, but by and large, I believe this holds true.  

A writer must anticipate objections in order to have a clear and strong argument.  A reporter often gets to hide behind the reputation of the paper he or she writes for.  An author must maintain coherence and consistency in order to make an effective rhetorical claim.  A reporter often can write toss away wires, where he or she is less accountable for the language and is more focused on the content (as if those two were not inseparable).  

All in all, it might be more useful to talk about writing responsibilities than reporting ones.  

Daniel, I am going to disagree with you on one point.  As of now, I might agree, blogs tend to run in ideological company.  However, MSM is more and more often purporting that they behave in a neutral way, than actually acting like one.  One thing we've yet to take into account is web 2.0 technology of which blogs are only the vanguard.  

Imagine, five years down the line, roughly the same distance between us and Gilmore, a forum for collaborative policy research, incorporating multiple convergent and dynamic opinions of not only lay citizens but public officials as well.  Sure, one thread might be more or less neutral than another, yet the overall effect would be one of constantly shifting overarching attitudes creating a refrain of net neutrality.  

If the role of the media is to be the fourth estate, then such a forum circumvents it.  In a way, the media is a window.  It allows us to peer into the unknown of the government.  Yet, often the glass can get smudged, dirty, or even down right opaque.  What if the panel was simply removed?  

Monday, December 8, 2008

Throwing up in my mouth

Okay guys. I want to underscore the following by stating that I rarely do this. Most of you have gotten use to my debating style throughout the semester. I like playing devil's advocate, sharpening ideas, and complicating questions. I do not like character based or ad hominem arguments, as well as echoes.

That's why it was incredibly frustrating to read Nicholas Lemann's piece in the New Yorker.  At first, I was surprised at the quality of writing.  It is terrible compared to many of the other pieces published by the New Yorker.  Just read this aloud:    
"That permits it to break the long-standing choke hold on public information and discussion that the traditional media—usually known, when this argument is made, as “gatekeepers” or “the priesthood”—have supposedly been able to maintain up to now."

The cadence is rough, a casual cacophony of syllables married to the utterly awkward relationship between colloquial and formal usage ("that's the catechism" - a contraction and an SAT word do not belong in the same sentence!).  "PermITs IT To brEAK the lonG-sTANDing CHoKE."  The linguistic dissonance in this, and many other, sentences is only outpaced by the snobbery and stupidity that pervade his content.

From what I gather, the main thrust of his argument is that new journalism has to live up to "good" standards.  It can't delight in "polemic rhetoric."  And it must not be a medium that encourages "slander, polemic, and [gasp] satire."  

Not only does he, on the one hand, ignore the value of new media (like the citizen journalist Crankydoc points to here.), but he also assumes that there is nothing inherently valuable about slander, polemic, and satirical rhetoric.  Apparently he forgot to read his Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, and Benjamin Franklin this morning.   

By way of evidence, he parades out straw men, like the detestable Markoff interview and toss away ad hominems "sneering [bloggers]."

But his worst rhetorical sin is that half way through the article, while pontificating on the history of American journalism, he concedes his main point.  
" I am in an especially good position to appreciate the benefits of citizen journalism at such moments, because it helped save my father and stepmother’s lives when they were stranded in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: the citizen portions of the Web sites of local news organizations were, for a crucial day or two, one of the best places to get information about how to drive out of the city. "

So, annoyed, I looked him up.  Nicholas Lemann, Dean of the Pulitzer School of Journalism at Columbia University.  

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Multi Media Rhetoric of Prop 8

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Sharpening the point

I'd like to sharpen the point that I less than articulately made in "backdoor buddies."

One thing that the Internet supplies is access.  Never before has any individual had so much information at his or her finger tips.  I can link from site to site in minutes, or in hours as today's YU network seems to suggest.  I can learn more about government, about what bills are up for debate, who's debating, and what the argument actually is, I can learn that in minutes, lying in a bed, half way around the world.  

In other words, the ability to learn and consequently participate in politics is there.  In fact, it is more convenient to participate in politics than to run across the street to a convenience store.

Yet, although there is great convenient access to the processes of policy, it still does not mean that the process is completely transparent.  Some meetings, I am sure, are being moved to back rooms as we speak, in light technological advances.  Just as terrorists go low tech, I'm sure Congress has gone on to passing notes.  In fact, if I was incredibly cynical, I could argue that the greater the access to information the greater opportunity for manipulation.  

Those are the points I was trying to make earlier.           

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Something else to consider

When Colbert presents the news he articulates much of its content though his character.  This creates, in effect, a facade of dual newses.  There is the news which Colbert is presenting, the outrageous conservative perspective.  And there is the news which the Colbert Report is presenting, the "real" news that contrasts with the outrageous conservative perspective.   

The "Real" news, though, is in fact the Colbert Report's interpretation of the real news, in the same vain as any nightly news cast.  Yet, the fundamental difference is that it is presented contrast to comedy, making the real news seem even more truthful and raw.  

Monday, December 1, 2008



Just to finish off from class.  Let's assume, like you suggested, that Stewart was in character for his interview on Crossfire.  You argued that such a thing was inappropriate.  Stewart can no longer hide behind his character as a comedian, since he has the same sort of journalistic responsibilities.  

Stewart has a rebuttal though.  He turns to Tucker and says "hey buddy, you're in character too."  How can we expect Stewart to appear as a real person on Crossfire, break character (if he is even in one) for the sake of someone else's theatre? 

Back Door Buddies

One common thread that seems to link Bullworth, Bob Roberts, Southpark and the Simpsons is the conspicuous distance between politic and public.  It is as if the public is somehow not privy to the actual mechanics of policy making.

Bullworth uses this theme to develop its story line surrounding its criticism of the conglomorazation of news corporations, and the resulting interests that these news organizations now have that might often stand in direct contrast to their roles' as public advocates.  

This distance creates mystery and, dare I type, some sexiness to the role of politics.  That attraction partially explains the draw of, not only shows like The West Wing, but also of behind-the-scenes special and documentaries.  

Yet, in the age of the internet has politics become more transparent.  I can find any bill, trace its growth, identity its additions, seek out public donor lists to campaigns, compare donors to candidates, identify the candidates on the committee with special interests, and link those interests to bill additions all without leaving my bed.  If I wasn't even sure how a bill becomes a law, I could've just wikipediad the whole darn thing anyway.  

To riff off of Thomas Friedman, the flattening of access to information, the expansive reach of the internet has made government more transparent.  

Now as Pop Culture Curator pointed out some time ago, more access doesn't always mean more transparent.  In fact, access might just be another layer of control inside a matrix we all seem to inhabit.  Yet, greater access does lead to more activism, more public awareness, and more participation.