Monday, December 1, 2008

Back Door Buddies

One common thread that seems to link Bullworth, Bob Roberts, Southpark and the Simpsons is the conspicuous distance between politic and public.  It is as if the public is somehow not privy to the actual mechanics of policy making.

Bullworth uses this theme to develop its story line surrounding its criticism of the conglomorazation of news corporations, and the resulting interests that these news organizations now have that might often stand in direct contrast to their roles' as public advocates.  

This distance creates mystery and, dare I type, some sexiness to the role of politics.  That attraction partially explains the draw of, not only shows like The West Wing, but also of behind-the-scenes special and documentaries.  

Yet, in the age of the internet has politics become more transparent.  I can find any bill, trace its growth, identity its additions, seek out public donor lists to campaigns, compare donors to candidates, identify the candidates on the committee with special interests, and link those interests to bill additions all without leaving my bed.  If I wasn't even sure how a bill becomes a law, I could've just wikipediad the whole darn thing anyway.  

To riff off of Thomas Friedman, the flattening of access to information, the expansive reach of the internet has made government more transparent.  

Now as Pop Culture Curator pointed out some time ago, more access doesn't always mean more transparent.  In fact, access might just be another layer of control inside a matrix we all seem to inhabit.  Yet, greater access does lead to more activism, more public awareness, and more participation.  


Cranky Doc said...

You seem to say that the internet has and has not made government more transparent; but this begs for some evidence: "greater access does lead to more activism, more public awareness, and more participation." Start by defining what you mean by access. . . . .

Steven P said...

Ill way in more once i hear MCW's response to Cranky Doc, but the Government knows this access exists, they can easily dance around it.