Wednesday, November 19, 2008

McCain Supporters

Interesting little tid bit right here. The People's Press surveyed McCain's supporters reaction to the election.  Of the 611 voters surveyed 30 said they were not surprised by the result, while 21 said they were.  How can that be?  

Most of those who were not surprised must have followed the polling data which had McCain down a lot on the eve of the election.  How come people were surprised?  


Rassmussen reports that "among Republicans, 78% believe reporters are trying to help Obama and 10% see most offering unbiased coverage."

Playing plausible association now.  Does this have anything to do with the mistrust of data and mistrust of the "mainstream liberal media" by some rural voters?  


Steven P said...

I think that this data proves, as I will present today, that polls are the "opiate of the electorate", even those that may have strong feelings towards Mccain, couldn't get away from the "drug" of the polls, and believed that Mccain would lose, as the polls suggested.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Steven. But I am not sure polls are entirely responsible. People have a natural tendency to rationalize what they want reality to be onto what reality actually is.

Cranky Doc said...

Daniel: Precisely. That the Hostile Media Bias/Effect we discussed yesterday.