Friday, August 22, 2008

Little boxes

Having just finished watching one of McCain's new ads, the one specifically dealing with Obama's Rezko connection (how Obama acquired his house), I couldn't help thinking of a West Wing episode.  Bartlet lets a comment slip while on national tv, his challenger responds and is led through a series of humiliating moments.  I can't quite remember which episodes it was, but McCain's misstep has allowed him to open one of the less explored aspects of this campaign, which is Obama's connection to Rezko specifically, but also the Chicago political scene in general.

That said, the most intriguing bit of this whole house thing, for my money, is that McCain couldn't remember something.  Most media and its critics, Pop Culture Curator for example, are taking this as a labor statement.  It certainly is to some extent, but come on.  We all know that in order to be president you have to be rich.  If you don't know that, well, you've been living under a rock or in West Virginia.  

But folks, the oldest candidate in history can not remember how many houses he owns.  Why is the media seemingly ignoring this?*

*please link me if you have seen an article or two addressing the subject


Cranky Doc said...

See the WaPo ( "The Obama spot implicitly makes one other charge. By showing McCain speaking in slow motion with melancholy music in the background, while the narrator says he can't remember the number of homes, the ad suggests the 71-year-old Republican is confused."

Matt Williams said...

thank you